Step 1 of 3 - Apply for the Consultation
Apply for the Consultation
Step 1: Answer these quick questions:
It takes 45 seconds to answer all the questions
To confirm, you're applying for an interview to scale your Barbering Business to $10,000+/mo within the next 12 months?
What is your first name?
What is your last name?
What is your best email?
What is your Instagram LINK (please make sure it's your link and not your @)
What is your Phone Number?
SOB only has 4 more spots left as we focus on each student's results. Therefore, we can only take people that we TRULY can see being able to put the work in to scale to six figures. Why should we pick you? What goals do you expect to achieve working with us?
What are you currently struggling with that is preventing you from hitting your goals as a barber?
How much do you charge per haircut?
Are you cutting full time or part time?
How much on average are you making per month with barbering?
Either David Escamilla or our right hand barbering coach is going to be speaking to you to provide maximum value.
I understand
I don't understand and I will leave this page immediately
Working with SOB is not free and requires an investment on your part to partake in the mentorship. Knowing this mentorship will be life changing, are you prepared to invest back into yourself, if we find that we are a good fit to work together?
Yes, I am prepared to make an investment if it makes sense for myself. Growth as a barber is something I heavily value.
No, I am not prepared to make an investment. Growth as a barber is not something I value right now.
SOB has hundreds of new applicants each month. Please make sure that you can show up to your scheduled interview. Failure to show up without any notice will lead to you being banned.
I understand and will show up to the call on time.
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